Monday, November 26, 2012

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 20: Husbands and Wives

I think since Fred has been on the way out they started writing less funny lines and scenarios for him, but this week we have a couple of funny Fred moments. I love Fred and Dan in Fred's hotel room when Dan packs his pants. And I love Mark trying to show Fred how it's ok for your wife to have female friends.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 19: All about Rosey

Clip show. DJ pretending to be young Roseanne and Joseph Gordon Levitt being young Jackie. Fun clip show because this show has so many great moments. Love it.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 18: Single Married Female

It's sad to watch Fred and Jackie fall apart. I really like Fred. But I also see how they just aren't compatible.

Love Jackie freaking out when she realizes she's cheating.

Really strange exit sequence with Roseanne talking about getting pregnant by a bodyguard by going to a fertility clinic.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 17: Lost Youth

Jackie want to have the sex in the car. I like that they keep talking about 'the sex'. Fred is boring and Jackie wants excitement. Dans sex advice- guys love ruts. Women want adventure.

David has an extra ticket for the dead show. And he did good at the SATs.

Mark is such a jerk. And David is too nice.

Fred is bad at making sexy times with Jackie.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 16: Sisters

DJ wants to spend time with Andy. And DJ is weird.
Dan lied to Darlene to get her home for the weekend. He pretended nana Mary died. Apparently Darlene and Becky and fighting.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 15: Bed and Bored

Dan can't find his good pants. The house goes to hell in a hand basket without Roseanne.
Deep conversation with Jackie and Bev about being a bad mother.
Bev is so well written.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 15: My Name is Bev

Bev got a DUI! And now she has to go to AA. And discovers she's an alcoholic.
"A woman of the 90s has to watch out for the herpes." -Bev to Darlene.
And Bev is super obnoxious about her new found sobriety.
So now Dan, Jackie and Fred are getting drunk in the garage.
Angry alcoholism argument.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 13: Rear Window

Roseanne has less black wig looking hair this year. It's reddish brown.
New neighbors! Nudists! Old nude neighbors.
Drunk mark. David and Becky out together.

Mark tries to talk to Darlene to get David away from Becky.
Love triangle! David tells Darlene she was abusive and they didn't connect. Darlene is sad

Dan tells his neighbors he can't stop staring at them naked. Roseanne flashes them. Anazing scene.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 12: The Parenting Trap

The parenting trap. David is dating Dinah.   Christmas! Darlene is home. So David gets to bunk with DJ.

Talking to another of DJ s teachers. This one thinks DJ is 'special'. This is kind of dumb. He doesn't want to put his homework on the board and claims he doesn't understand. Wouldn't he still be turning in his homework or taking tests? Shouldn't the teacher have some other way of determining his intelligence?
Getting out the Christmas lights. Looooots of lights.
DJ is sporting wood. And now Dan, Mark, and Fred are discussing ways to hide erections. Fascinating.
Reintroducing the David crushing on Becky thing.

Hehe Roseanne tells DJ her first period story. That went well....

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 11: Maybe Baby

Jackie has an awesome ostrich sweater. I want that sweater.

DJ is playing gameboy. I remember that one. It's super thick and he has the extra light since it isn't backlit.
This is a dramatic episode. It's also a little weird, Roseanne thinks Dan and everyone else are pressuring her to have an abortion. But they really aren't they are just trying to be supportive and everyone is stressed.
Finally at the doctor! Her doctor is the same dr as the one from Everwood. Amnio is clean. And the doc is kind of a douche. And says the baby is a girl. But it doesn't turn out that way. But he is healthy. So good enough.
Weirdo flash forward ending.

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 10: Thanksgiving 1994

As we get ready for Thanksgiving 2012, I get to see Thanksgiving from 18 years ago. Holy crap, that's a long time ago.

Rossanne had an amnio.Jackie tells Roseanne to get an organic turkey. And there are abortion protesters at the doctors office. Roseanne tricks them away. Excellently done.
David and Mark are recruited to play in the "annual" football game. You know, the one we've never seen before.  Mark doesn't know how to play football. And David is "helping" him.
Nana Mary got married! To Joe.

Onos. Roseanne called to find out the sex of the baby but the nurse couldn't say anything and they have to wait for the dr to call back... Over thanksgiving. Scary.
Nana Mary had 2 abortions when she was young. Bev is horrified.
And now Roseanne is scared something is wrong and she might have to have an abortion. Scary. And Roseanne is super defensive.
Roseanne needs another amnio. Waiting...

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 9: White Men Can't Kiss

DJ doesn't want to kiss a girl at school for a play. Because she's black. And Dan might be subtlety racist too. "Everyone's a little bit racist some times..."
So he asks his token black friend what to do... and to speak on behalf of all black people. Yeah, that doesn't go so well.
And maybe Roseanne's a bit racist too... Wow there's no resolution in this episode. 
That's it... everyone's a little bit racist. Does DJ actually kiss the black girl? Who knows...

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 7: Follow the Son

"Bitch bitch bitch, it's all you ever are."
Hehe Joseph Gordon-Levitt again as DJs friend. He's so young and awkward.

David is spying on Darlene's new bf, Jimmy. And being super weirdo about it.
Jimmy and Darlene are thinking about moving in together. Why would you do that with a rebound college boyfriend as a sophomore.

DJ is going to work at the garage with Dan. Roseanne is jealous.

How is David still in Chicago spying on Jimmy? Hehe, and Jimmy thinks David is gay.

Roseanne and Jackie are hiring a busgirl to replace DJ. And it's a hot blond ditz - Stacey.

Random faux porn out-tro. ooooh kay. Ah, so apparently the actor who plays Stacey is an exporn star- Traci Lords.