Sunday, June 01, 2008

OK, here it is, a brief update with Kayte. Do you really want to hear me ramble about things, or do you just want to see some pretty pictures that relate to my life? That's what I thought.

I think LOLCats is the best thing EVAR. Now that I have a cat, all I want to do is take pictures of her and show the world. And Lolcats lets people photograph their cats, and people actually volutarily choose to look! So, here is Toaster's LOLCats Debut:

Captioning photos is surprisingly difficult...

But Toaster is just too cute...

And here's a special cameo from Sydney, my neighbor's cat. We're watching her while her mama is on vacation. I crocheted her this toy today and filled it with catnip. She was much more impressed than Toaster.

This weekend I've been taking care of my man, as he's sick. I've also been cooking, because I just get crazy bouts of energy. I made oatmeal raisin cookies, and 7 layer dip. I don't know if this quite Chicken Noodle soup, but it made Jim feel better....

And in addition to crocheting cat toys, and my usual assortment of blankets and projects I'm in the middle of, I decided to decorate the apartment with Martha Stewart Pom poms. How does Jim put up with me? Oh yeah, I cook for him.

And one last pic for the evening. Jim and I went to a Giants game with our good friend Gene.

1 comment:

Vasily said...

Teh lolspeak, it burns!!