Thursday, August 02, 2012

Roseanne: Season 5, Episodes Home for the Holidays - Lanford Daze

I've been watching Roseanne on youtube on my iPhone while curled up in bed. It's pretty amazing.
So I have spotty thoughts on these excellent episodes.

I totally forgot David has 2 younger sisters. I feel like the scene with them got cut out of the syndicated version

Darlene looks much older than the last few eps

I also forgot Charlotte worked at the diner

Woah. Hello fishers temper yo. Foreshadowing!

And Darlene writes twisted comics. "Warped and depressing is what's cool now!" -Roseanne

Oooooh this is the episode! I forgot the subplot. This is a really intense one. We find out that Fisher is beating Jackie. And Jackie tries to apologize for his actions. And then Dan beats the crap out of Fisher.

"Oh my god, Dan. You didn't kill him and then go buy chicken, didja?" -Roseanne

Bail is $100
Darlene has to bail out her dad. Priceless.

Crime and Punishment is such a good episode. I get teary whenever I see it. Very real. 
I like the small town everybody knows what's going on, but no one knows the details do they invent them

Amy Sherman is the producer for Roseanne and also didGilmore girls. Apparently now she's doing Bunheads. I feel like maybe I should watch that...

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