Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Roseanne: Season 7, Episode 1: Nine is Enough

Dan has an armpit cyst and has to shave and apply ointment.

Hello season 7, and back to YouTube.
Hello black bra strap Becky.

Mark and David manlove! Yay communicable diseases.

Dan is bad at shaving his underarms.
"Now I see why you get so excited when I shave my legs once a month." - Roseanne.

Dan wants mark and Becky to leave.

Fred has no hair anymore! It's cropped close. And he and Jackie are cosleeping with bebe.  And Fred doesn't like it.

Kicking out Mark and Becky. But they are trying to have a baby! So obviously they can't go. Considering they don't have a baby during the next 2 seasons, that's not going so well.
Jackie is now an overprotective mom. No one can hold little Andy. And she constantly turns him so he has a round head.

Roseanne and Dan romance time. And Roseanne is pregnant!!  Babies everywhere! Woah.

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