Thursday, January 03, 2013

Roseanne: Fin!

I have watched each episode of Roseanne in chronological order! I had intended to do it all in 2012, but would up a few episodes short. So now it's 1/3/13, and I've finally finished them.

It was really nice to see everything in order. I really liked a lot of the arcs, and watching everyone develop. It was also interesting to see where the crazytown came in (early season 8) and watch it ebb and flow.

I've used the following to view Roseanne:
-TIVOed episodes

The TIVOed episodes were the worst, because not only did they have commercials, you could also tell when they were cutting time out of the original episode for more commercials.

I really wish that Roseanne aired episodes with pop-ups, like they do for I <3 80s="" br=""> Well that's it on Roseanne. Thank you 2012!

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