Monday, December 17, 2007

4 days til Hawaii! I can't wait. I braved the mall on Saturday night to try to find a bathing suit the last weekend before Christmas. Most of the stores looked at me like I was crazy for asking about swimwear.
I went to Cici's outlet (or as Jim and I call it, the hoe store) and they had a whole rack of swimsuits. Well bikinis, which isn't quite what I was looking for. But they had lots of tanktops that were made of stretchy fabric designed for getting sweaty and dancing in clubs. So I bought a tanktop and binkini bottoms, and it actually looks really cute. I'm proud of it anyway!

Now I just have to make it through my final tonight, 3 more days of work, laundry, packing, and hauling myself to the airport. Oouf!

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