Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In other music related news, I have the best Christmas CD EVAR. Ok, so I know that seems like I'm not saying much, it's still a Christmas CD, even the best of crap is still crap. But no! It's super good! I just sit and listen and am dumfounded by the awesomeness that is Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Jingle all the Way.
Oh, and I'm seeing them in a week and a half.

Usually I'm very adament that Christmas festivities do not start until either the day after my birthday, or the day after Thanksgiving - whichever one is later. This year, I must admit, I really want an excuse to decorate the house and frolic to this CD.
I'm actually thinking of having a Holiday party just for an excuse to play the CD and force other people to listen to it.

1 comment:

tambourinegirl said...

Yay holiday party! I'm having the same trouble... I want to get all festive but Thanksgiving is in the way.