Saturday, April 07, 2012

Roseanne: Season 3, Episode 3: Like a Virgin

Yay! My DVDs of season 3 and 4 have come in the mail. I'm now icing my back after yoga and ready for some quality TV time.

"You're just jealous because I'm anatomically correct." - Becky to Darlene

Becky has totally awesome 1990's style.

Roseanne and Jackie are giving Becky the sex talk. And Jackie is talking about using the sponge as birth control. Is that still around? Wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about Elaine trying to find the sponge? Planned Parenthood thinks it's still available.

And now Darlene is kissing some boy named Brian. In the dark. Lying down! Dirty!

This is the episode where Roseanne talks about shooting hoopies - aka shooting hoops

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