Saturday, April 07, 2012

Roseanne: Season 3, Episode 6: Becky, Beds and Boys

"His name is Mark Healy and we're going to a party"
It's Mark. The man who will steal Becky away, and turn her into another Backy.
And here he is smoking a cigarette, chewing gum, wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans. Teenage dreamboat.
"Hey Mark, 2 + 2" -Darlene
"What? " - Mark
"I thought so" - Darlene
Ahh, the start of their wonderful relationship too.

Dan ran into Mark at the Lobo drinking beer. And he's an ass. Much like in the future when Dan and Roseanne pay for Mark to go to school, and he flakes out and Dan finds him at the Lobo.

"You think you can stop me from seeing Becky? " - Mark
"I think I can stop you from seeing tomorrow?" - Dan

"I want to go over to his house and beat the hell out of his mother." - Roseanne
She is a bitch, instead you can just faux-adopt her other son.

"I'm never going to see him again, ever." - Becky re: Mark

I love this show.

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